Mike Liu


Mary Durack Miller’s ‘Carrolup Collection’

I find it hard to believe that it is seven years since I first came across Mary Durack Miller’s collection of material at the Battye Library in Perth related to the Aboriginal child artists of Carrolup. At the time, Mike Liu and I were involved in a project […]

How I Came to Write About Carrolup, Part 1

Here is what I wrote in the Preface of Connection: Aboriginal Child Artists Captivate Europe about how I came to be involved with Carrolup. ‘When filmmaker and close friend Michael (Mike) Liu and I were first shown work of the Carrolup artists Revel Cooper, Parnell Dempster and Reynold Hart […]

Shocking History Impacts on Health & Wellbeing

As I wandered around York this weekend, on a weekend away, I was constantly reminded of the film project that my good friend Mike Liu and I conducted with Professor Marion Kickett, Director of the Centre for Aboriginal Studies at Curtin University. Marion, Mike and I spent a day […]

Carrolup Book is Available Today

My book Connection: Aboriginal Child Artists Captivate Europe, written in association with John Stanton, is available today as a downloadable eBook from Amazon, Apple and Kobo. It’s been six years since I first saw a piece of art from one of the Carrolup artists. And four years since […]

How My Carrolup Journey Began

‘When filmmaker and close friend Michael (Mike) Liu and I were first shown work of the Carrolup artists Revel Cooper, Parnell Dempster and Reynold Hart by our close Noongar friend Karen Hume in 2014, we were stunned by the beauty of these artworks and beguiled by the stories […]

‘The Carrolup Story’: First Anniversary

Today, is the first anniversary of the launch of our Storytelling, Education and Healing online resource, The Carrolup Story. It is also the 86th birthday of Noelene White, the daughter of Carrolup School teachers Noel and Lilly White. Happy Birthday, Noelene! Noelene was 12-years old when her family moved to Carrolup […]
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