

Read a Sample from ‘Connection’

You can read (and download) a free sample of our book Connection: Aboriginal Child Artists Captivate Europe by visiting our page on Amazon. [This link is for the Australian store. If you live elsewhere, you need to make sure that you are in the appropriate store for your […]

Coming Soon: ‘Connection’

We’re just 11 days away from the launch of our digital book Connection: Aboriginal Child Artists Captivate Europe which you will be able to purchase and download from Apple, Kobo or Amazon. It has been a long journey since I first viewed artworks by the Carrolup child artists (2013) […]

Forthcoming Carrolup Book

I just wanted to remind you that the book I have been writing, in association with John Stanton, Connection: Aboriginal Child Artists Captivate Europe, will be released as a digital book that can be downloaded from Amazon, Apple Books and Kobo on the 23rd of June, just 22 days […]
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