David Clark


‘The Carrolup Story’ YouTube Channel

I just wanted to remind people that we have a YouTube channel for The Carrolup Story which contains a variety of film clips on various topics. Over time, we will post blogs about these clips, but I thought it was good to remind you of the channel’s existence. […]

Noelene White on the Children of Carrolup

We launched The Carrolup Story on the 10th November 2018, the 85th birthday of Noelene White. Noelene is the daughter of Carrolup schoolteachers Noel and Lily White. I have known Noelene for two years, a far shorter time than the 30-plus years that John and Noelene have been […]

Developing ‘The Carrolup Story’

This must be the tenth website I’ve developed for my work over the past 18 years, most of which have been done with web developer Ash Whitney, a close friend from Neath in South Wales (UK). I’m often asked how long does it take to build a website? […]

The Value of Deep Listening: The Aboriginal Gift to the Nation – Judy Atkinson

I was inspired into the field of trauma healing by a remarkable woman, Judy Atkinson. Emeritus Professor Judy Atkinson is a Jiman (central west Queensland) and Bundjalung (northern New South Wales) woman, with Anglo-Celtic and German heritage. She lives in Goolmangar, New South Wales. Judy manages the remarkable initiative, […]


Welcome to our new Storytelling, Education and Healing online resource. My name is David Clark and I am one of three co-Founders of The Carrolup Story. My colleagues in this venture are John Stanton, like me from Perth, Western Australia, and web developer Ash Whitney from Neath in South Wales. Forty-two years ago, […]
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