Just wanted to let you know that we have added a slideshow on our Home Page, which contains old and new photographs, as well as copies of some of the Carrolup children’s artworks. The photos change every six seconds, or you can look through the collection quickly by using the arrows. We’ve also arranged that a new randomly selected film clip appears each time you access the Home Page. You can find all our film clips in the Videos Gallery.
John and I are now going to take a break from uploading new information on the website until the New Year. I will be travelling to the UK to see my children and grandchild, all of whom I miss greatly. I want to have some quality family time without distractions, so will not be writing new content during my time away. I’ll check the website and my emails though, and will be visiting our wonderful web developer, Ash Whitney, in Neath, South Wales. It will be great to catch up with my old mate.
I’ll also be spending a week in Sweden, visiting old friends from when I used to live there. John will also be taking time off during this time.
John and I would like to thank you for visiting our website and for your ongoing support during the past year. We’ve had some really nice comments from visitors; please check out our selection of Testimonials. Your support means a lot to us.
We have so much more to upload to the website in the coming year, not just content relating to the past, but also content related to today. Remember, The Carrolup Story is really a Story of Stories. We have some exciting plans for the future. Whilst we are limited to some extent in what we can do by our lack of resources, we will be fundraising in the New Year.
For now, John and I would like to wish you all the very best for Christmas and for the New Year. Thank you.