Noelene White: Revel Cooper and the Children of Carrolup

Michael Liu filming Noelene White talking with Cathy Coomer, niece of Carrolup artist Revel Cooper, at Noelene's house. Photograph: David Clark, 6 May 2016

Last week, I described how John Stanton and I met up with Tony Davis and Annette Davis (not related) and visited Carrolup. We met up at The Kodja Place in Kojonup before proceeding to the settlement.

Imagine my surprise when I entered the building to see Noelene White—daughter of Carrolup teachers Noel and Lily White—staring down at me from a TV screen on the wall facing the door, wearing the same clothes she had worn when I had interviewed her back in 2016.

I soon realised that this was in fact the very same interview, which was filmed by my close friend Michael Liu. Michael then set up a YouTube channel for our Revel Cooper project and we edited this and four other clips of my interview with Noelene (along with other material).

One of the volunteers at The Kodja Place explained that the previous person in charge had trawled the internet for content related to Carrolup and chose some of our material, as well as that of Curtin University. I was really pleased to see that our film clips were being viewed by a new audience. The lady at The Kodja Place said there is great interest in the Carrolup story and numbers of people watch the film content.

In the clip below, Noelene talks about Revel Cooper and the other children of Carrolup from the time when she was living on, and later visiting, the settlement. I hope you enjoy.

You can read and view more of Noelene’s reflections on the children of Carrolup in the following:

Noelene White on the Children Carrolup

Noelene White’s Memories: Life at Carrolup

Noelene White’s Memories: The Art

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