Some of you may remember that I gave a talk at the Royal Western Australian Historical Society on 11 September 2020. I was also asked to write an article for Early Days, the Annual Journal of the Society. Last month, John Stanton and I attended the Launch of Early Days 2020 at Stirling House in Nedlands. It was a really enjoyable event and I felt very grateful to members for the kind response I received for being one of the Journal’s authors.
It was a nice experience to be presented with two free copies of the Journal by the Society President, Dr Steve Errington. I was later given two other copies and I purchased an additional one. This meant that I would be able to give the Journal to John Stanton; Charon Kalin (née Ryder), eldest daughter of Carrolup artist Cliff Ryder; Noelene White, daughter of Noel and Lily White; the person who gave us permission to use one of his Carrolup artworks on the Journal cover, and my youngest daughter Natasha, who lives in the UK.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Jennie Carter for her excellent editorship of the article and for all the positive comments she made while we interacted. I think she did an excellent job with the layout of the article and I was thrilled that she included nine photographs. I was particularly pleased that one of the Carrolup artworks was on both the front and back cover. Truly inspirational, Jennie. This particular piece was originally found in a rubbish bin after the 1948 Teachers’ Convention in Albany. I would also like to thank Charon Kalin for allowing us to include two of her father’s artworks in my article.
For those of you who are interested, you can access a copy of my article here and see the Journal cover here. The article is lower quality than the original to reduce download time and the pages are not numbered the correctly. The correct reference for the article is: David Clark, The Aboriginal Child Artists of Carrolup, Early Days: Journal of the Royal Western Australian Historical Society, Number 104, 2020, pp. 37-55.
My thanks again to the members of the Royal Western Australian Historical Society who invited me to give the talk and write an article.
I’d like to finally say that I will once again be blogging regularly on The Carrolup Story after a period away. I’ve been busy writing regularly for my Recovery Stories blog and then working on a new version of the book, entitled Carrolup, for which I hope to find a publisher in the future. It will be some time before the book is published even if I do find a publisher. In the meantime, if you are interested you can purchase my eBook Connection: Aboriginal Child Artists Captivate Europe. Here is the original invite to my 2020 talk.

Event information for David’s talk at the Royal Western Australian Historical Society on 11 September 2020.